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Reclaim Your Time: Auditing & Budgeting

Updated: Feb 2

Female Freelancers have a lot on their plates. So much so that they feel like there are just not enough hours in the day!

Reclaim your time because it is your most valuable asset. Balancing the demands of work and life can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can manage your time effectively and achieve success in both areas.

One key strategy is time auditing and time budgeting, which involves tracking how you spend your time and creating a plan to prioritize and allocate it effectively.

Here are some tips for conducting a time audit and creating a time budget:

  1. Track your time: Start by tracking your time for a week or two to get a sense of how you currently spend your days. Use a time-tracking app or simply jot down your activities in a notebook or spreadsheet.

  2. Categorize your activities: Once you have a record of your activities, categorize them into work-related tasks, household tasks, childcare tasks, self-care, and leisure time.

  3. Analyze your results: Look at the data you've collected and identify patterns and areas where you could improve your time management. Ask yourself: How much time am I spending on each category? Am I spending too much time on one category and neglecting others?

  4. Prioritize your tasks: Once you've analyzed your results, prioritize your tasks based on what's most important to you. Make a list of your top three to five work-related tasks and your top three to five household or childcare tasks.

  5. Create a time budget: Now that you've prioritized your tasks, create a time budget that allocates time for each category. Start with your work-related tasks and schedule them into your calendar first, then allocate time for household and childcare tasks, self-care, and leisure time.

  6. Set boundaries: To stay on track with your time budget, set boundaries for yourself and communicate them to your clients and family. For example, let your clients know your office hours and when you're not available, and delegate tasks to your partner or a babysitter to free up some time for work.

By auditing your time and creating a time budget, you can take control of your schedule and achieve a better balance between freelancing, social life, family, and investing time for learning. Remember to be flexible and adjust your time budget as needed, and don't forget to make time for self-care and relaxation. With a little planning and discipline, you can be a successful entrepreneur and enjoy the best of both worlds.

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Jessica Tapia


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