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Mental Health Focused Brand, FARTS Is Helping Thousands of People on TikTok with Finding A Reason To Smile

Updated: Feb 25

by. Jessica Tapia

When I first noticed the mental health focused brand FARTS.

I was on TikTok (yes, it was late & I was the only one awake) and saw this man talking about his business. I'd seen him once before but didn't pay attention to his actual product.

So, curious, I pause and listen to what he is talking about. On his shirt it said, "FARTS". Yes yall. Yes.

I'm not gonna lie. I definitely had to take a moment.

He was explaining how he designed his logo. Which is very creative. It looked like a little smiling cloud.

three FARTS (Find A Reason To Smile) keychains in the colors black with white, yellow with black, and purple with white.
FARTS keychain merchandise

After about 30 minutes in, I'm all about this man and his vision. This was such a clear and creative brand. From the logo, to the name, and right down to the owner.

b.t.w "FARTS" = Find A Reason To Smile.

I suggest y'all read his About and Our Story on his website!

Okay, back to his live. A lot of the individuals in the live were women and they were yelling at him in ALL CAPS and !!! to go eat.

He was laughing and said, "Yeah, I know. I been said I was going to go eat."

To which someone said, "When we get you to 100K likes you have to go eat."

Imagine that! What?!

A double positive? Of course, he is going to get off the live to get eat anyway, but the people in his audience are so there for him and are connected to him.

They offer (and accomplish) getting him to 100K. He was emotional yall. To have a community of people showing up for you and really being engaged with not just him but the people in the comments as well.


Back to the story, he got off the live and I put away my phone and I prayed.

Taking his advice,

"Focus on one thing good that make you smile today."

I closed my eyes and think about what made me happy and made me smile.

I woke up at 4 am today and I was working on some things that have been going on with my website(that's a different story). My kids woke up at 8:40 am.

Having that amount of time to just focus on what I wanted and needed to do. I drank a WHOLE cup of coffee without having to reheat it!

Anyway, they come bounding into my office and say "Awake Mommy?" and "Goodmorning!!" Since I'm Fully awake, I'm ready for all the things to get ready for bible study to day. (Also another story for another time).


That's what makes me smile. They are my reason to smile and be grateful for each day that I am blessed to wake up and see them smiling back at me.

I sit up in my bad.

I felt INSPIRED, because as I was reflecting I just kept thinking about my kids faces & how my husband looked at me. It was a calming yet, electric emotion that started swelling in my chest.

They are the reason that I am learning, growing, striving, and thriving.

"JUST 2 Hours." Meaning I was giving myself to hours to work on something. This was at 10:55 pm...

It's 11:47 pm.

My mind was alive. My heart was on fire with passion to succeed in my business for my family.

I want to cultivate a connection with my community the way he did with his. So, here I am, writing about Rashard, founder of FARTS by Julio Studios LLC. The man who is the literal embodiment of his brand. Mental health focused brand FARTS definitely had me smiling as I watched him interact with this TikTok live audience and passionately explain why this is his mission.

Not like that.

He is fun, he is charismatic, he is friendly, and the way he speaks about his experience you can see how invested he is in his mission to pull people, even raise people up out of the darkness. Because, sometimes even when you are sinking you have to give the next person a step up so they can see the light.

Mental health is so so so so important and no one can convince me of anything else.

I'm listening to "Laufey visual playlist (w/ lyrics) | pov: you’re falling in love in Lisbon" while I say to myself, "I need to be the physical representation of my brand." My mind is lighter, happier, calmer.

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Jessica Tapia

FARTS Social Media Links

Reflection question: What is your reason to smile today? mental health focused brand FARTS

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