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Balancing Freelancing & Motherhood: Strategies for Success

Updated: Feb 2

Freelancing offers a lot of flexibility and freedom, making it an attractive career choice for many mothers. However, managing both the demands of freelancing and motherhood can be challenging, and it requires a great deal of organization, discipline, and time management skills.

In this guide, we'll share some practical strategies for balancing freelancing and motherhood and provide tips for staying motivated and productive.

1. Create a Schedule and Stick to It

One of the most important things you can do as a freelancer and a mother is to create a schedule that works for you and your family. This means setting clear boundaries between your work and personal life and sticking to them. It's also important to communicate your schedule with your clients so they know when you're available and when you're not.

This where you want to perform a time audit. Time audit? What is that?

During a time audit you go every two hours for a week (set timers & keep your scheduler out) and write down what you are doing. No matter how big or small. WRITE IT DOWN!

From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep.

Then after doing this until you have worked down to 30 minute intervals and driving yourself mad to the point you are hearing timers in your sleep, you will budget your time.

Time is money right? So figure out how to spend it.

2. Make the Most of Your Time

When you're a freelancer and a mother, time is a precious commodity. To make the most of your time, it's important to prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones first. This means setting realistic goals for each day and creating a to-do list that you can refer to throughout the day.

NEVER pressure yourself to do more than 3 things in one day..

- One thing for your household (Laundry, yes I know I hate it too. Just wash and dry them. Set another day to fold them and put em away.)

- One thing for your children (Play with them, read with them, listen to what they want to do. You can even pick two things you want to do with them and let them pick.)

- One thing for your business ( checking emails, working on your website, checking your funnels, writing a blog. Time yourself while you do it.)

3. Learn to Say No

As a freelancer and a mother, you need to learn to say no to projects or activities that don't align with your priorities or values. It's important to be selective about the projects you take on and to be honest with yourself and your clients about what you can and cannot do.

This was a tough one for me. But, once I started saying, "No. Not today. I don't know." I freed up myself so much more time for myself, my business, and my family. Even referring people to others if I didn't have the time to assist them.

4. Take Care of Yourself

When you're juggling both freelancing and motherhood, it's easy to neglect your own needs. However, taking care of yourself is essential for staying motivated, productive, and healthy. Make sure to prioritize your physical and mental health by exercising regularly, eating well, and getting enough sleep.

Everything is connected. When one thing is off, everything is off. Spend time figuring out what fuels you in all aspects. You deserve the time for yourself.

Remember to be communicative with your partner and children when you need a break.

5. Find a Support System

Freelancing and motherhood can be isolating, so it's important to find a support system that can offer encouragement and advice. This can be a group of fellow freelancers or a group of mothers who understand the unique challenges you face. You can also join online communities or attend networking events to connect with like-minded individuals.

Balancing freelancing and motherhood is challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. By creating a schedule, making the most of your time, learning to say no, taking care of yourself, and finding a support system, you can achieve success in both your career and your personal life.

Make sure to become a member and check out the forum to connect with other mothers. We would love to hear from you and read what you have to share with the community.

Here at FEMWay Marketing, we aim to provide you with all the tools, skills, resources, and support for you to be successful on your path to career and personal growth.

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Jessica Tapia

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